Funding Guidelines GARIS Pandu Pendanaan
Funding Application Permohonan Dana
Please provide a detailed breakdown of the expenditure that will be incurred in carrying out the programme / activity. Funding will be granted in full or partial at the discretion of MLLPC. All applications will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. Sila kemukakan huraian tentang perbelanjaan yang akan digunakan bagi menjayakan program/ acara ini. Pelulusan pendanaan ini tertakluk kepada budi bicara MLLPC. Kesemua permohonan akan dinilai secara case-by-case.
Application Outcome Keputusan Permohonan
The approval process may take up to 3 months. Fund applications must reach the MLLPC Secretariat at least 4 months before the intended date of programme. Proses penilaian setiap permohonan dana mengambil masa sehingga tiga bulan. Permohonan dana haruslah dibuat sekurang-kurangnya empat bulan sebelum tarikh mula acara/ program yang hendak dijalankan itu.
Successful applicants will be required to sign a Funding Agreement with MLLPC. The signed Funding Agreement will need to be mailed back to the MLLPC Secretariat. The funded program or activity, subject to the listed terms and conditions, can only be carried out after the Funding Agreement has been signed. Pemohon yang berjaya mendapatkan dana MLLPC haruslah menandatangani surat perjanjian (LOA) sebelum mengirimkannya kepada Sekretariat MLLPC. Program tajaan MLLPC hanya boleh dijalankan, tertakluk kepada terma dan syarat, selepas LOA itu ditandatangani.
Other Information Maklumat Tambahan
- MLLPC reserves the right to change or make modifications to the programmes or activities suggested by applicants. MLLPC berhak untuk meminda program atau aktiviti yang dirancang oleh pemohon.
- MLLPC reserves the right to allocate any amount that commensurate with the proposed programmes or activities. MLLPC berhak untuk menetapkan jumlah dana bagi program yang dirancangkan.
- MLLPC does not provide legal advice to applicants. Applicants should seek their own independent professional advice regarding all financial and legal matters including compliance with any statutory obligations. MLLPC tidak menyediakan khidmat nasihat guaman kepada pemohon. Para pemohon haruslah mendapatkan khidmat professional berkaitan dengan hal kewangan dan undang-undang termasuklah dalam mematuhi syarat perundangan.
- MLLPC funding may only be used for the purposes specified in the application. Once MLLPC has agreed to provide funding, no substantial change to the project shall be made without the consent of MLLPC. If the total incurred expenditure is more than the approved funding amount, MLLPC will only match up to the approved fund. If the total incurred expenditure is less than the approved funding amount, MLLPC will only reimbursed the incurred expenditure. Dana MLLPC ini haruslah digunakan untuk program yang diusulkan dalam borang permohonan dana. Setelah mendapatkan kelulusan dana, para pemohon tidak dibenarkan merombak program yang dikemukan dalam borang permohonan, kecuali setelah mendapat kelulusan MLLPC.
- Applicant is wholly responsible for its own debts. Sekiranya jumlah perbelanjaan melebihi dana yang diperuntukkan, MLLPC akan membayar balik jumlah yang ditetapkan sahaja. Sekiranya jumlah perbelanjaan adalah kurang daripada dana yang diperuntukkan pula, MLLPC akan membayar balik jumlah yang dibelanjakan sahaja.
- Public acknowledgement of MLLPC’s approved funding is expected. Publications should clearly acknowledge the support of MLLPC. Para pemohon bertanggung jawab atas segala hutang-piutang pemohon. Pemohon dana haruslah menyatakan tentang dana yang diterima daripada MLLPC.
- In the event of information request regarding the present funding application, the applicant will be consulted before any confidential information is disclosed. Jika pemohon ditanya tentang pendanaan MLLPC, maklumat rahsia tentang pendanaan MLLPC tidak boleh dikeluarkan tanpa kelulusan MLLPC.
- When the funding is approved, the amount of funding, the purpose for which the funds are granted and the name of the organisation receiving the funding will be regarded as public information. Photographs of events can be used for MLLPC outreach programmes. Setelah mendapat dana MLLPC, maklumat tentang tujuan pendanaan, nama-nama pertubuhan yang menerima dana MLLPC dianggap sebagai maklumat umum.
- Please note that funding is limited, and therefore, not all eligible programs will be funded. The MLLPC would like to thank you for taking the time to complete and submit an application for funding. Perlu diingatkan bahawa pendanaan MLLPC adalah terhad dan tidak kesemua program yang layak untuk menerima pendanaan daripada MLLPC.
Klik di sini: MLLPC Finance Briefing